by Lisa Kiley
Top 5 things to consider when choosing bedding
It’s important to pick the best bedding for horse stalls to give horses a warm, dry place to stand and lay down. Taking the time to evaluate your options will lead to selecting a product that is economical, fits the purpose, and is healthy for your horse. Here are the top 5 things to consider when choosing the best bedding for horse stalls:

1. Avoid Harmful Bedding
Safety is number one. Never use bedding made from harmful woods such as Black Walnut because it can cause laminitis and is extremely toxic to horses. Similarly, avoid Maple, especially Red Maple, as it is toxic to horses if ingested.
Pay close attention for signs that your horse is allergic to certain types of bedding. For example, sneezing, coughing, hives, etc.
Do Not Use
- Black Walnut
- Maple
- Red Maple
Best Bedding For Horse Stalls
- White Pine
- Douglas Fir
- Other Soft Woods
2. Know The Source
Bedding is available as loose bulk shavings which may be more economical but more difficult to identify what’s in it. For that reason, make sure the provider doesn’t process toxic wood at their facility. Also check for foreign materials or large pieces of wood that could hurt your horse. Bagged shavings are quality controlled. They can cost more than bulk, but you know what you’re getting in every bag.
3. Absorbency
Odor control, frequency of stripping stalls, and the amount of bedding used are determined by a products absorbency. Kiln-dried bedding is the most absorbent and white pine is considered top of the line.

4. Dust
Dust is dangerous to a horse’s respiratory system and can be an eye irritant. Lower quality bedding and fine particle shavings tend to be the dustiest. High quality bedding and larger flakes help keep the dust to a minimum. If you discover that your chosen bedding is dusty, you can add some water to it. Pelleted products are also a good option and adding water allows them to expand for optimal performance.

5. Cleanliness
Cleaning stalls regularly will help maximize bedding performance. If your horse is in their stall daily, the stall should be cleaned daily. Some bedding is easier to clean than others. Pelleted bedding breaks down to a fine particle that is very easy to pick through which reduces bedding waste. “Easy pick” options offer a smaller flake that are easy to clean as well.

Proper Storage
Bedding should be kept under a roof and protected from moisture. Whether loose or in bags, shavings are flammable so they should be stored separately from animals. Concrete block is a great barrier. It’s recommended to keep a fire extinguisher near by and post no smoking signs.
Composting and spreading manure is a common practice. Selecting bedding that is more easily composted can make the process much easier and quicker. Generally, the smaller the flake the less you will scoop out of the stall at one time. If you are serious about composting, pelleted bedding is a great option. Straw pellets, while less absorbent than pine-based pellets, are one of the best at quickly breaking down for compost.
Stall Mats
Stall mats provide an extra layer of cushion on hard surfaces such as concrete and less bedding will be needed. Using mats will reduce ground moisture and provide a barrier between the ground and bedding resulting in cost savings. For more insights on choosing stall mats, be sure to read Best Stall Mats for Horses.

If you’d like to find the best horse stall bedding for your horses, check out our horse stall bedding online or stop by our Delaware, OH store and talk with one of our horse care experts. We offer horse equipment and a quick and easy drive-through feed store with one of the largest stock inventories you’ve ever seen. Call us at (740) 363-6073 and we will help you select the best bedding for your horses.