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How to Pick the Best Livestock Fencing

Did you know that, in 2021, the number of farms in the US was 20.1 million? Additionally, the number of land acres on farms was 895 million, with the average farm size being 445 acres. This is a slight increase from the average farm being 440 acres in the early years of the 1970s decade.

If you are one of the many people who own a farm in the US, you might be wondering how to pick the best livestock fencing for your farm. However, if you aren’t sure how to get started, you might feel stressed.

No matter what kind of farm animals you’re raising, livestock fencing will provide you with many benefits. Find out how to pick the best fencing here.

In this article, we’ll review the strategies you can use to choose the right livestock fencing for your farm. Find the right fencing and ensure your livestock are safe and fenced in correctly. Read on to learn more.

Establish Your Purpose

Because there is such a huge variety of configurations and scenarios for using livestock fencing, you need to envision the different scenarios that would require different types of livestock fencing. We’ll review example scenarios now so you can better understand which fence types are better for each.

Round Pens for Training Horses

If you’re thinking of building round pens so you can train horses within them, we recommend that you get horse panels. At Cashmans, we have two different types available. There are the 5′ High Horse Panels, which include:

  • 5′ High Cashmans Corral Panel
  • 5′ High Cashmans Horse Panel
  • 5′ High Cashmans Heavy Horse Panel
  • 5′ High Cashmans Super Duty Horse Panel
  • 5′ High Cashmans Hot Dipped Galvanized Panel

Additionally, these 5′ high horse panels include the 5′ High Cashmans Aluminum Horse Panel and the 5′ High Red Economy Corral Panel. We also offer Round Pen Packages and Arena Packages if you’re looking for more fencing.

Another option is the 6′ High Horse Panels. These panels are a great option for gates, round pens, and temporary horse stalls.

You’re Leasing Pasture Ground

If you’re looking for fence types for pasture ground that you’re leasing, it makes no sense to invest in fencing that’s permanent. In this case, portable panels can be a good fencing choice. You can move them easily as a ranch asset.

You’re Thinking of Eventually Expanding Your Herd

Are you thinking of eventually expanding your herd? In this case, choosing a modular fence is a good idea. This way, as your herd expands, you can simply add additional fencing to the fencing you already have instead of having to search for entirely new fencing.

Know What Your Top Priorities Are

Many priorities matter when you’re choosing the right fencing for your livestock. Primarily, you care about your animals being healthy and happy. This means that you need to think about your animals’ needs and your livestock handlers.

Additionally, you need to think about your budget so that you get the right electric fence or another fence type. By asking the following questions, you’ll be able to match up your fence type with your top priorities.


What Does My Current Livestock Fence Setup Look Like?

When asking yourself this question, there are several things to consider so you can answer it. Think about what you like about the setup you already have, what challenges you experience with your current system, how much room you have, and how much space you’ll need for what you envision.

How Many Heads of Livestock and Handlers Do I Have?

When it comes to processing facilities and livestock equipment, needs can vary significantly. What a larger feed yard requires would be far different than what a solo rancher needs. If you have crowding pens, heavy-duty steel can be a good choice.

Smaller holding pens, on the other hand, might work best with the horse panels we reviewed earlier or even the heavy duty horse panels.

To choose your alley, think about how many handlers are helping you with your livestock. If it’s only you, a smaller alley might be better. This is because it will be easier for you to quickly move.

Do I Prefer Working Livestock by Horseback or on Foot?

When it comes to the layout and products you should use on your farm, it will make a huge difference whether you prefer to work with your livestock by horseback or on foot. Consider this question so you know what type of fencing you need.

Pros and Cons of Different Livestock Fencing

The pros of physical barriers (an example is a wire fence) include the ability to withstand seasonal and severe weather conditions, long lifespan, and low maintenance. Additionally, they can be aesthetically pleasing and help to protect against liabilities such as personal injury or property damage.

The disadvantage of this fencing type is that often more labor is required and it can be more expensive. Additionally, repairs can take longer to happen and they are challenging to relocate.

Psychological barriers (usually electric fencing) have the pros that they’re easier to relocate and construct, more adaptable (to rugged terrain), and very advantageous when it comes to preventing predators.

Additionally, when it comes to cost as compared to physical fences, they’re sometimes considerably less expensive. However, these fences require more maintenance, usually, than physical ones.

This said, if they have a proper hi-tensile wire gauge, they can last the same amount of time as a physical fence and be just as low maintenance.

Looking To Buy Livestock Fencing?

Now that you’ve learned how to pick the best livestock fencing, you might be looking to buy it. In this case, you should look no further than Cashmans. At Cashmans, we have a variety of fencing, including electric fences, wire fences, split rail, and more.

In addition to fencing, gates, and panels, we also sell mat and mud solutions, barn and stable products, round pens, and arenas. We also offer fast and easy drive-up pickup for local customers at our store in Delaware, Ohio.Check out all of our different farm and livestock fencing options, or give us a call at (740) 363-6073 and our highly experienced staff will be able to address any questions you have.

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