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All I Want for Christmas

by Lisa Kiley – published in the Saddle Up! December 2020 page 35

When it comes to difficult years, 2020 will go into the books as a bit of a doozie.

In thinking about how to celebrate the holidays this year, there are many things that might be different.  So many people have been affected by the pandemic, beyond those families that have experienced sickness or loss, there are crazy numbers of people that have lost their jobs, have had pay reductions or reduced hours.  If you work from home, it’s easy to feel disconnected from the world. If you have kids that are schooling from home or just getting used to the pandemic protocols, it can be a challenge to get used to setting new routines.  While life has changed across the board in many ways, as horse people, we also have some different circumstances when it comes to how we deal with the changes and challenges all around us.

There is a saying, “No matter how bad your day is going, just remember you have a horse” Isn’t it true?  Owning a horse puts us in a special category of people, we aren’t just average, we have something special that some people only get to dream of, the companionship of a majestic creature that can give us wings.  We get to go out to the barn and seek the solace and comfort of the animals, they get us out, working and riding in the fresh air.  No matter what the news is reporting, horses still need to be cared for, fed and worked.  In an ever-changing world it is comforting to know that these things don’t change. 

Long before the circumstances surrounding this holiday season arose, commercialization has often gotten out of hand, with wow factor being touted over the things that matter most.  While giving is a way to show people that you care, there are some things that come to mind that may be more important this year than ever before. 

People have a hard time asking for help, but the holiday is a great time to give without making it awkward. Focus on letting people know you care about them and this year, that might be by giving a thoughtful gift that will help them through a rough season.  Ask what people in your life need rather than just getting them ‘stuff’.  In this time of uncertainty, it makes sense to be practical about the type of things you purchase. While many may be scaling back their typical purchases for the holiday season, it can be nice to take a more practical approach and think about gifts that are not just wanted, but needed. Focusing on quality and usability over quantity can make for a more worthwhile gift. 

Support local businesses.  Local businesses have been hit hard this year.  While it is easy to go online and shop big box or big business, think about the local stores, shops and restaurants that make your city or town unique, this goes for your local equine and agricultural stores too!  Local shops often offer more than just a product, they can help with education on items, they are there if questions arise and often contribute to the community in many ways. 

Consider a donation to a reputable equine organization.  There are a lot of people trying to take care of horses that have come from difficult circumstances.  Sometimes horses fall on hard times because their humans have, through no fault of their own.  Donating money or items like blankets, stable supplies or providing feed can make a huge difference.  There are also plenty of opportunities to donate time to a shelter or rescue were equine experience is needed if a financial commitment isn’t something that you can assist with.  If you are thinking of adding an additional animal to your herd, consider adopting if it fits into your program.    

Share the gift of horses – Are there members of your family or friends that you could share your love of horses with?  Sometimes we forget how novel the experience of spending time with horses is for most people.  If budgets are tight and the gift giving budget has been cut, consider taking the time to introduce someone to horses, it could change the life of a kid to get the opportunity to groom or just sit on a horse.  As horseman, we need to advocate for interest and education about horses supporting and growing the industry that has given us the opportunity to be part of the equine community. 

Spend time enjoying the activities you love to do.  Maybe that is an afternoon spent in the barn, going for a trail ride, planning for the next show season, or reminiscing over memories made around horse activities.  Make homemade treats for horses and humans or make crafts and ornaments with a horsey twist to share.  Quality time, spent with family, friends, and/or four-legged creatures will create special memories that money can’t buy and make even this year a time to remember for something good. 

Best wishes for a happy holiday and a bright NEW Year!  Here’s to 2021!! 

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