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Feed Room Safety Tips

By Lisa Kiley

Providing the best quality feeds for our horses is at the core of proper horse ownership.  However, care of the feed room and feed is sometimes overlooked.   Ignoring monitoring of feed and maintenance of the feed room can put your horse’s health at risk. Shane Penick, feed expert from Buckeye Nutrition, provided some great information on making the feed room a safer and healthier place for your horses.  Buckeye Nutrition proudly produces feeds with ingredients that are 100% traceable and produced in a medication free facility.

Penick broke down a few simple guidelines for keeping feed fresh and storage areas properly kept:

  1. Feed Room Conditions – these steps will keep mold at bay:
    • Feed should be kept out of the sunlight in a cool/dry area.
    • The area should be well ventilated. Feed bags should not be stored directly on the ground to prevent moisture from causing mold and spoilage.
    • Stored feed should be kept 12 to 18 inches off the wall to assist with cleanliness and monitoring for pests.
  2. Planning – don’t overstock feed:
    • Don’t store feed too long, it will have greater chance of spoilage.
    • Make sure to use your feed in a first in, first out rotation. 
    • Check the dates of the product at the store and monitor dates after purchase.
  3. Feed Storage – open bags of feed require special attention:
    • Store open feed in bins with lids or feed carts to keep pest out.
    • Plastic or metal feed bins will need to be cleaned out between each fill. Keeping feeds (especially sweet feeds) in the bag and then placing in a bin will cut down on bin maintenance and chances of moldy build-up.
    • Feeds with higher fat content are at a higher risk of going rancid and should be monitored closely.
  4. Pest Control – there are a variety of pest that can invade the feed room:
    • Examine the structure of your feed room and look for any entry points where pests could gain access and address.
    • Keeping the feed off the wall, and having a light-colored flooring in that area, will allow identification of pest droppings or paw prints, so quick action can be taken. Ventilation & moving air can help reduce the chances of dust mites. Inspect feed bags before you bring them into the feed room & disposed of damaged product immediately.
    • Make sure products used to control pest will not allow for cross contamination to feed, livestock or pets.
  5. Keep the Area Clean:
    • Remove spillage or infested/spoiled feed from the storage area.
    • Keep area around the feed storage tidy.
    • Repair torn bags immediately.

In addition to the above considerations, there are some ways that you can make the maintenance a quick and easy part of your daily barn chores.  Keeping cleaning supplies (like a broom and dustpan) in the feed room will encourage cleanliness.  If you keep a trash bin in the feed room, make sure that it has an airtight lid and empty it frequently. A white board to record the dates that grain is brought and determine if rate of usage is keeping the feed fresh. Good lighting in the feed room will help to monitor access points of pests and cleanliness.  Develop a plan of pest prevention that works for your barn while keeping your animals safe, prevention of pests is always an easier process than eradication. 

The final tip to share is that the feed room MUST be HORSE SAFE.  If a horse gains access to the feed room and binges on feed, they can experience health risks that range from colic to laminitis and even death.  The door must always be secured (using a lock or stall door latch) to prevent horse entry.  If you find that a horse has entered the feed room and eaten excess grain, remove the horse from the situation immediately.  Determine how much grain your horse may have eaten and call your veterinarian for direction at once.

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