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Cashman News

Senior Horse Checklist – Preparing For Winter

I had the chance to catch up with Dr. Nettie Liburt who is the Senior Equine Nutrition Manager at Mars Horsecare US/BUCKEYE Nutrition and we talked about some of the things to think about when going into winter with the senior horse.

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Horse Bedding

Best Bedding For Horse Stalls

Top 5 things to consider when choosing bedding: As the weather gets cooler and we start pulling out the jackets and sweaters, our horses may be spending more time in the barn. Just like us, they enjoy a cozy space when the winter wind starts to blow. For that reason, it’s important to pick the best bedding for horses to give them a warm, dry place to stand and lay down.

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Cashman News

Wash Bay 101

When designing a wash area for your horse, no matter if it is interior or exterior, there are a few things to consider that will make the space functional and safe for years to come.

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Cashman News

Return to Your Horses Roots with “Paddock Paradise”

As we learn more about what’s best for our horses, we are finding that providing a more natural environment is one of the healthiest ways for them to thrive. If you are looking for ways to think outside the box and explore different models of horse keeping, I encourage you to consider “Paddock Paradise”. I was intrigued by this brilliant concept that creates a much more natural way of pasturing for horses. It provides an enriching environment while achieving a symbiotic relationship with the land.

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Cashman News

Spring Cleaning Checklist

Spring is the best time for making new plans, getting a fresh perspective and the annual spring cleaning! While the spring clean is often relegated to the home or garage, it is by far more fun to get out to the barn and spring clean for your equine companions. Not sure where to start? Here is a simple list of to-do’s to get your barn and pasture spruced up for the spring season.

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Cashman News

Are your Pastures Ready for Spring?

Mud season seems to be longer and longer every year. Thawing ground and spring showers can mean muddy gate areas, feeding areas, and pathways. Think about improving the ground by adding Mud Grids or Paddock Slabs. By amending the ground and fortifying it with a product that will stabilize muddy areas making it easier and safer for both you and your horses. These products are easy to install and require little ground preparation.

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Cashman News

Boredom Busters and Enrichment for Horses

Winter weather usually means horses are spending more time inside and aren’t being ridden as often. Horses are herd animals so when confined to their stalls, the following boredom busters and enrichment toys can help keep them out of trouble.

Typically, enrichment toys for horses can be divided into 2 categories. 

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Cashman News

New Year’s Resolution – Bringing Your Horses Home

Most horse owners dream of one day bringing their horses’ home. It is an image that can conjure thoughts of watching your horses munching grass out of the kitchen window while you are doing dishes. Maybe you are looking forward to morning trips to the barn with a cup of coffee in hand and being greeted by the nickers of excitement followed by the calming sound of horses eating hay in their stalls. However, bringing horses home can be expensive and challenging. So, if your new year’s resolution is to make this dream a reality, you will want to make sure that you have thought through what you will need to make this transition a happy one.

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Cashman News

All I Want for Christmas

There is a saying, “No matter how bad your day is going, just remember you have a horse” Isn’t it true? Owning a horse puts us in a special category of people, we aren’t just average, we have something special that some people only get to dream of, the companionship of a majestic creature that can give us wings. We get to go out to the barn and seek the solace and comfort of the animals, they get us out, working and riding in the fresh air. No matter what the news is reporting, horses still need to be cared for, fed and worked. In an ever-changing world it is comforting to know that these things don’t change.

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Cashman News

Innovative Stall Feeder Options

One of the biggest reasons for looking at different styles of feeders is to help with feed cost savings. If you can employ a feeder that helps save feed, you will typically see a return on investment within a few months of feed bills. Additionally, many of the feeders that are made for horses are now looking at ways to help slow horses down when eating which is more natural and better for their digestive health.

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Cashman News

Finding the Right Outdoor Hay Feeder

There are a lot of different feeder options that can help save your hay from being wasted and save you money on your feed bill throughout the winter and beyond. So, if you are thinking of investing in a feeder or would like to upgrade to something that work better for your horses and your facility, keep the following in mind:

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Cashman News

Autumn Stable Checklist

Fall is one of the best times of the year to enjoy having horses. The cooler weather gives us a reprieve from the hot summer sun, but it is not so cold that we have to worry about layering up just yet. Autumn is a great time to get some of those last ‘to-do’ projects done before winter sets in and take simple steps to make horse keeping easier in the coming months. Here are some things to consider accomplishing in the barn before things get too blustery:

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