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Chain Harrows

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Garden tractors or ATVs can pull this flexible Chain Harrow. Ideal for smoothing yards or garden soil and dragging driveways, riding tracks or arena grooming. This harrow allows dozens of metal teeth to set up when pulled to grab and renew the soil naturally or grade the surface.

You will want the width to be wider than the equipment you are pulling it with so that the harrow covers tire marks.


SPRING – stand matted grass up to stimulate rapid green-up, pull leaves out of low spots, loosen thatch buildup, aerate lawns before feed & seed (then harrow afterwards to speed up fertilizer penetration and increase seed germination), prep seed beds (then work in & cover fertilizer and seed).

SUMMER – break up soil crusts on new seed beds without damaging young plants, rake pastures regularly to scatter manure droppings and stimulate grass growth, lift up crabgrass runners and heads so your mower can cut; rake & smooth dirt paths, gravel driveways and athletic fields.

FALL – shred dry leaves, aerate and dethatch lawns, minimum till.

WINTER – fluff/smooth snow on trails, breaking-up ice crust.

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