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Suet Cakes for Birds

Hi-energy food for wild birds year-round


Year Round Suet Cakes


Grain Products, Rendered Beef Suet, Black Oil Sunflower, White Millet

Nutty Safari Suet Cakes


Rendered Beef Suet, Peanuts, Peanut Meal, Cracked Corn

Sunflower Suet Cakes


Rendered Beef Suet, Black Oil Sunflower

*Dozen Deal – you can Mix & Match!


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Morning Song Suet Cakes are made with 100% USDA approved food-grade beef tallow. Store in refrigerator or freezer if outdoor temperatures are warm enough to melt suet cakes.

Suet is particularly attractive to woodpeckers, nuthatches, chickadees, jays, and starlings.

See our selection of wild bird seed Here


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