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Bale Elevator Transport Kit with Hitch

This photo has a 32′ elevator positioned on a transport kit which makes it very easy to move around.

*A minimum of a 24′ hay elevator is needed to use the transport kit.

*A heavy duty transport kit is needed for a hay elevator longer than 32′ – please call for details

*Does not come with tires – we recommend 15″ used tiresĀ 

*Assembled unit is available for store pickup only – please call for details


Easy Store Pick Up
Please call for availability

Transport Kits engineered for better balance and greater strength!Ā  Now you can move your elevator with ease to exactly where you want it. Rugged, oversize 2″x3″x1/8″ steel-tubing transports are extra heavy for more strength. Wheels are set far apart for increased stability. Equipped with 15″Ā wheel rimsĀ mounted on regreaseable, tapered roller bearings (max. speed 20 mph). Transport can be quickly raised from towing position up to 45Ā°. Sturdy, easy-to-operate hand winch features double-disc, automatic brake system for positive load control. Winch is zinc plated to helpĀ resist rust.Ā  24′ minimum length up toĀ 32′ of bale conveyor can be transported on this kit.


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